Avenue Maintenance Company (AMC)

There is no Engineering Equipment which cannot fail over time. But our experience teaches us that The life, efficiency, efficacy and throughput of the engineering system/ equipment can be drastically enhanced with proper care and maintenance.

Avenue Maintenance Company (AMC) was born when we felt the need to prioritize our aftersales over our delivery.

Our years of experience has taught the various maintenance that has to be carried out for different systems and this has resulted in a process oriented maintenance approach.

Avenue boasts of inhouse trained personnel for maintaining the various systems that we install.

We offer one or a combination following kinds of maintenance services:

1. Reactive maintenance (Breakdown maintenance)

Also known as breakdown or run-to-failure, reactive maintenance is pretty simple: fix things when they break. Since repairs are not planned, it’s a good method to employ for equipment that is not essential for operations or has a low cost.

While it requires minimal planning, the drawbacks of reactive maintenance can be substantial if it’s not carried out correctly. If the approach is used for all equipment, there can be huge delays in production when a critical piece of equipment fails. Further, if you don’t have the right parts and supplies on hand, the costs for rushed shipping can become significant. In short, reactive maintenance often means more downtime and higher maintenance costs when it’s not used strategically.

2. Preventive maintenance (Scheduled)

Also known as proactive maintenance, this method involves periodically and inspecting or repairing systems at predetermined intervals (usually time or event-based triggers). The goal of this approach is to extend the useful life of an asset and prevent breakdowns from occurring. We strongly recommend preventive maintenance to be carried our for all the services installed in premises. While this can be more expensive than the first type it can ensures ROI by prolonging the life and performance of the equipment.

Because planning is done in advance, it’s much easier to have the right parts and resources on hand to complete each task.

As with all maintenance types, there are potential drawbacks to relying solely on preventive maintenance. If the PM schedule isn’t regularly monitored, audited, and improved, “PM creep” can occur. This is when technicians get bogged down by unnecessary tasks and cost the organization time and money.

Similarly, performing too many PMs can open the door for post-PM breakdowns. There are a number of ways to prevent this, but the risk gets higher as PMs get more frequent. The bottom line is, if a preventive maintenance program is used, it should go hand in hand with PM optimization.

3. Predictive maintenance (PdM)

Predictive maintenance (PdM) aims to predict failures before they happen so maintenance can occur at just the right time. PdM uses data from machine sensors and smart technology to alert the maintenance team when a piece of equipment is at risk of failing. For example, a sensor may use vibration analysis to alert the maintenance team that a piece of equipment is at risk of failing, at which point it will be taken offline, inspected, and repaired accordingly.

It is possible to carry out PdM via visual inspections of equipment, but the easiest way to establish a predictive maintenance strategy is by using a CMMS to track meter readings. The advantage of PdM (over PM) is the potential for cost savings from reduced man-hours spent on maintenance, and more insight as to the performance and potential issues arising with the machine. Additionally, a reliance on data and sensor information means maintenance is determined by the actual condition of equipment, rather than a best-guess schedule or gut feel.

Of course, relying so heavily on data means that there is a higher up-front cost to ensuring this maintenance approach can thrive. Another thing to keep in mind with predictive maintenance is that you have to walk before you can run. For an organization coming from a pen-and-paper or Excel-based maintenance program, you have to first build on the processes and insights that preventive maintenance provides in order to build an effective predictive maintenance plan.

A short guide to being really good at predictive maintenance

4. Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)

Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) addresses the fact that failure is not always linear. RCM is a highly-involved process that seeks to analyze all the possible failure modes for each piece of equipment and customize a maintenance plan for each individual machine. The ultimate goal of RCM is to increase equipment availability or reliability.

RCM is considered complex because each individual asset must be analyzed and prioritized based on criticality. The most critical assets are those that are likely to fail often or will result in large consequences in the event of failure. Because each piece of equipment is analyzed on its own, it’s possible that the end result of embarking on an RCM effort is having as many different maintenance plans as you do pieces of equipment.

RCM is very sophisticated, to the extent where it is not a realistic or necessary technique for every organization. It’s requires a very mature maintenance team that has mastered prevention, basic inspections, predictive maintenance, and has access to lots of existing data on their assets.